The holidays are our favorite and most treasured times of the year, but they also rank as the most common days for roadway fatalities, both in New Jersey and nationwide.

It is truly heartbreaking to imagine someone suffering critical injury while on the way to or from a cherished family gathering. As New Jersey auto accident attorneys, we help families every day who’ve had their whole lives turned upside down by someone else’s negligence on the roads.

This holiday season, we urge you to exercise caution while traveling, whether it’s a long-distance trip or just around town. Remember, it isn’t only your own driving you need to be mindful of — keep an eye out for dangerous behavior by others, too.

How the Holidays Can Cause Auto Accidents in New Jersey

According to USA Today, the Fourth of July is the single deadliest day of the year for car accidents in America. Meanwhile, New Year’s, Thanksgiving, and Memorial Day aren’t far behind. (Fortunately, Christmas is still relatively safe, statistically speaking.)

That’s likely due to a combination of alcohol use and increased traffic. Indeed, as USA observes, holidays associated with heavier alcohol consumption also correlate with deadlier auto accidents.

AAA already estimates that during 2014’s end-of-year holiday season, approximately 27,900 Americans will suffer serious injury in auto accidents, and more than 250 will die.

Those numbers are far too shocking and grave to ignore. That’s why it is incumbent upon all of us to exercise extra caution in the weeks and months ahead.

Help Avoid Auto Accidents in New Jersey This Year

No holiday celebration is worth the risk of critical injury or fatality. Please celebrate the season responsibly. Always drive carefully, follow the traffic laws, and never drink and drive.

If you have questions about how you can respond to an auto accident during the holiday season, our office is here to help.

Let’s keep the holidays happy and healthy for all of New Jersey.